The reason I choose Sovereign Capital & Investment Bank is because at most banks today, you are just a number. Sovereign Capital & Investment Bank can offer you anything a large bank can and more — a smile.

Alf Wiik
SCIB Client

Community Involvement

At SCIB, we know that our success depends on the success of the neighborhoods in which we do business. That’s why we’ve made giving back to the Mendota Heights-area community an essential part of our culture.


Over 500 neighbors join SCIB in the annual Mendota Heights 5K Walk/Run benefiting the Special Olympics each June. 


Over 500 neighbors join SCIB in the annual Mendota Heights 5K Walk/Run benefiting the Special Olympics each June.   


Sovereign Capital & Investment Bank Adopt-A-Highway volunteers help keep our neighborhoods clean by picking up garbage along a 2-mile stretch of highway in Mendota Heights.


We are proud to keep our local highways clean as a volunteer in the Adopt a Highway program.


More than 800 pumpkins are given to clients and neighbors at Sovereign Capital & Investment Bank's Annual Fall Festival.


Customers and neighbors enjoy a morning of autumn fun with free pumpkins, apple cider and doughnuts at SCIB’s fall festival.


Each year, Sovereign Capital & Investment Bank helps Mendota Heights residents ring in the holiday season by sponsoring a tree-lighting ceremony that includes high-school choir performances and visits with Santa.

Not only is the tree glowing with lights so are all attendees as Sovereign Capital & Investment Bank associates hand out over 250 glow necklaces at the annual Mendota Heights Tree Lighting Ceremony sponsored by Sovereign Capital & Investment Bank.
Every week, Sovereign Capital & Investment Bank associates participate in Meals on Wheels, delivering meals-as well as smiles.